Here you will find an overview of services offered. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us and arrange an appointment.
Our services in focus
We offer the following services onsite services:
- X-rays
- Orthotics
- Casting
- Braces
- Injections (steroid,Synvisc, etc)
- Ultrasound
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Pain Management
We will bill your visit directly to your insurance provider if you supply an updated proof of insurance at each visit. Please note that the insurance policy is between you and your insurance provider; we are happy to file the claim for you, but the balance is your responsibility if your plan does not pay after 30 days. Any amount not covered by your insurance policy is due immediately after you receive your first invoice from us.
We accept patients on the Medicare plan. As a courtesy, we will also bill your secondary insurance provider directly. You will be asked to sign an Advanced Beneficiary Notice for services not covered
under Medicare. You shall be accountable for covering these services.