HEEL PAIN/Plantar fasciitis/"Heel Spur Syndrome"
The most common cause of pain on the bottom of the heel is planar fasciitis. It is an inflamation and thickening of a band of tissue that spans between its origin on the heel bone (calcaneus) and your toes. This tissue helps support your arch.Classically the pain is worse first thing in the morning and "loosens up" after a few minutes of walking or stretching only to get worse as the day goes on. It is often associated with tightness of a persons calf muscles/achilles tendon. The condition often is self limited and 80-85 % of people will get better with or without treatment after suffering for 6-12 months. With treatment this healing time can be shortened to about 6-12 weeks.This consisting of using night splints, PT , stretching, shoe inserts/cushions and time. About 5% of people will continue despite conservative treatment and require more invasive treatment(s).These treatments can include injections, shock wave therapy and ultimately surgery.
Night splints are very helpful for those who experience pain particularly first thing in the morning or after rest. Formal physical therapy can be prescribed early on in the treatment to "jump start" your recovery.
CLICK HERE:Video on doing achilles stretching exercises
Do 2-4 times a day for 3-5 repetitions on both sides.Keep foot being stretched perdendicular to the wall
Unfortunately for some relief is elusive, leaving the sufferer with the decision to "live with it" or submit to a surgical treatment. Dr. Sheskier offers a non-surgical treatment option for patients with plantar fasciitis ("heel spur syndrome")that has not responded to conservative therapy.
1.Extracorporeal Shock Wave treatment (ESWT), a non-invasive technique, has been proven to be effective in the majority of those cases.This in office procedure has been proven to be as effective as surgery but without the risks of a surgical procedure.